Since my book, Inviting the Queen: An Emerging Archetype for Women at Midlife, recently published this seems like a good time to write a blog about archetypes and illustrate the three traditional archetypes (before the Queen) attributed to women’s life stages—Maid, Mother, and Crone. But first, a brief definition ofRead More
Taking Inventory
The other afternoon I was sitting with my therapist colleague and friend, Patricia, talking about how much sexism was around in the early 60s. I make a point of this being the early 1960s, between 1960 and 1965, before the counterculture peeked over the horizon, before the hippies, the sexualRead More
Good Wife—Good Grief
For those of you who watch The Good Wife on CBS Sunday nights at 9 PM, you know that one of the lead characters, Will Gardner, has been very unexpectedly killed. After some memory flashbacks by other characters in the series and ongoing references to him, he will disappear. AfterRead More